Thu 3 Apr 2008
Well, Easter has come and gone and I am ready to give birth to a new baby girl, Ava Rose. She already is weighing over seven pounds in my belly and I have another two weeks of incubation. Kaya is going to get an awakening as I haven’t been able to prepare her for the concept of a baby sister coming into the house. She is just a little too young to reason that there is a baby in my belly. I suppose some children at sixteen months might be able to grapple with this idea but she has yet to care about baby dolls and every time I tell her that my large belly is carrying something she repeats our word game, “belly button.”
Eventually she will feel this new sister is a blessing, as she will have a constant playmate.
Its interesting to have a creature this formed inside me. I am up through the night taking the pressure of my bladder as well as turning from side to side in my sleep. My mom has been here to help me and come to the local park with Kaya. Drew is also always supportive. We are still very much in love. He is a wonderful father to Kaya.